Understanding Your Bill

This is a water bill ‘sample’. It is not an actual water bill. Rates depicted in the ‘sample’ are not actual water bill rates.

A. The DUE DATE represents the payment deadline. Accounts whose payments are received after this date will receive late charges,
as per New York State Town Law.

B. CURRENT READING corresponds to the later of the billing period dates and the PRIOR READING to the earlier date. A reading of 2512 means 2,512,000 gallons; three zeros are omitted. Zeros are also omitted from the USAGE figure.

C. The DAYS IN PERIOD results from these dates and represents the number of days between meter readings.

D. Your GALLONS PER DAY AVERAGE IN THOUSANDS. The calculation is done as follows (refer to the sample bill):

Usage ÷ Days in period = GALLONS PER DAY AVERAGE IN THOUSANDS 63 ÷ 91 = .69

That is, 63,000 gallons usage, divided by 91 days in the billing period, results in an average of 692 gallons used each day.

E. Look for MESSAGES in this section of the bill.

F. BILLING PERIOD dates represent the dates
your water meter was read.

G. 3-year comparison chart of prior water usage.