Dear Resident:
Starting Monday, March 21, 2022, as part of our ongoing watermain improvement program, the South Farmingdale Water District (SFWD) will be replacing water main in a portion of the district.
Please refer to the accompanying map for the area involved.
The project is expected to last from 6 to 8 weeks. During the day, you may experience an interruption to your water service. We will make every effort to inform you ahead of time of these interruptions, either verbally or via a written notice. We also will make every effort to keep the duration of these interruptions as short as is possible.
There will be a trench in the road during the water main installation. The road will be temporarily repaired at the end of each day. A final restoration of the roadway will follow the completion of all work.
The contractor is Merrick Utilities, Inc. SFWD personnel will also be on site during the project. Please feel free to seek out SFWD personnel on site if you need anything. You can also call our office at 516 249 3330.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience during this important water main project. If you want to speak to me directly, you can call me at 516 249 3330.
Francis J. Koch, P.E.